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"What are your plans for retirement?"

Many have asked this question, "So, what are your plans for retirement?" Even though Mellonee and I have some plans for the first three months of retirement (time in St. Simons, attending a conference, spending time with family), past that, we really don't know. Proverbs 16:9 says "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." I am depending on the Lord to direct my steps in retirement, and so far, I'm not really sure what all that will involve. A few things that I do know:

  1. Our church membership will stay at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church

  2. I will take a bigger role in Mellonee's tax preparation business

  3. We will see our grandchildren more

  4. We will spend more time in St. Simons

  5. I will continue to be involved in spreading the Gospel worldwide through instrumental music, as a music director with Global Missions Project (

Past that, I don't know, but God does, and I am trusting that He will reveal that to me in His perfect timing and in His perfect will for my life!


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