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Preview of New Book

I have a new book due out by the beginning of next year (2021), published by Webber Institute Books. Here is a preview:

Music of Darkness: The Peril of Worshiping the Creation Over the Creator

Idolatry is a sin, but can music actually be an idol? And is musical idolatry only found outside the church, or can it also be a temptation for Christian believers? Brian Hedrick explores the dynamics of this phenomenon in our modern culture, then proposes a prescription to restore music to its proper biblical perspective.

“This is a lively, and very readable discussion of a vitally important topic. To be released from idolatry is one of the glories of new life in Christ. This book aims to show how and why this is crucial for all Christian musicians.”

Dr. Jeremy S. Begbie, Duke Divinity School

“Written from the perspective and experience of a pastor and professional musician, Brian Hedrick’s Music of Darkness deals with a vital question every Christian musician encounters at some point in their journey—do I find my identity in my artistic talent and success, or in Jesus Christ, who gave me life and talent in the first place? Brian Hedrick’s work is a welcome and necessary addition to the libraries of professional musicians, music educators, students, and those serving in music ministry.”

Dr. Joseph R. Crider, Southwestern Seminary

“Dr. Brian L. Hedrick presents a thoughtful, compelling, and carefully-considered diagnosis of musical idolatry, whereby a gift intended for our good and God’s glory becomes one of many ‘little gods’ that vie for our attention and devotion. Dr. Hedrick’s book provides a helpful corrective for Christ-followers, reminding us to seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), to live in harmony with the Holy Spirit and with others (Ephesians 4:1-3), and to sing forth the word of Christ with thankfulness and an undivided heart (Colossians 3:16, Psalm 86:11-12).”

Dr. Joel S. Davis, Samford University

“While human sin can be a participation in outright evil, often it seems to be a more insidious twisting of, or idolatrous obsession with, that which is ontologically good in the created order. In Music of Darkness: The Peril of Worshiping the Created Thing Rather Than the Creator Brian L. Hedrick rightly posits that, ‘Music is a good created thing, but when we turn it into the ultimate thing . . . we make it an idol.’ Music certainly can be redolent of the truth, goodness and beauty of God, but it is ultimately NOT God. All those involved with church music, paid or volunteer, need to read and heed this vitally important and engaging book!”

Dr. James R. Hart, Webber Institute for Worship Studies

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