- May 15, 2014
Instrumental music in worship clearly linked with Old Testament revival (an excerpt from The Biblica
After the reign of King David, periods of moral and spiritual revival in Israel’s history often included a return to the worship...
- Mar 11, 2014
Scale model of the Temple in Jesus' time on display in Jerusalem
The Temple during the time of Jesus was destroyed in 70 A.D., but in Jerusalem today, you can see a 1:50 scale model of the Temple,...
- Mar 11, 2014
The Eastern Gate - Why is it sealed?
Since the Temple in Jerusalem was where instrumental music in worship was firmly established, anything concerning the Temple is of...
- Mar 7, 2014
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
A very important concept to remember when studying scripture is to "read scripture in light of scripture." Another words, make sure you...
- Mar 6, 2014
Getting Creative with your Church Youth Orchestra
Early in my ministry, I tried to form a youth orchestra that met year-round, or at least during the school year. But, between marching...
- Mar 6, 2014
Where is Your Mission Field? (an excerpt from the Instrumental Music Ministry Handbook)
In addition to the priority of leading in worship, the instrumental music ministry can also be mobilized to fulfill other functions of...
- Mar 4, 2014
Not Unto Us
As a performing group in a church setting, we run the risk of taking some of the glory due to God for ourselves. Innocently,...
- Feb 26, 2014
Free Sample - Devotionals available for your instrumental rehearsals
As Christians, we are a people of the Book, but as we devote ourselves each week to praising the Lord with our instruments, are we clear...